Karo Dance
One of the dance traditions of the Karo. This dance describes the romance of young people at night under the bright moonlight. This dance is performed by the character movement is more graceful.Readmore...
,Batak is a collective term used to identify a number of ethnic groups predominantly found in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The term is used to include the Toba, Karo, Pakpak, Simalungun, Angkola and Mandailing, each of which are distinct but related groups with distinct, albeit related, languages and customs (adat). Occasionally it is also used to include the Alas people of Central/Southern Aceh, but usually only as relates to language groups. Readmore...

Puppet, The Masterpiece Ancestors Become World Heritage
In the Java language, the word wayang means "shadow". If viewed from the meaning of his philosophy "puppets" can be interpreted as a shadow or a reflection of the qualities that exist in the human soul, like rage, virtue, greed and others. Readmore...

Bali Arts Festival
The Glazier, 1940 One of the largest annual celebration of art and culture in Indonesia, Bali Arts Festival is always crowded. During the month, various art performances, exhibitions and other cultural activities will take place in Bali, offering dance, music and beauty of their culture. Readmore...

Saman Dance (Tari Samsan)
Saman dance created and developed by the ulama of Aceh, a Muslim religious leader named Sheikh Saman. Originally this dance is only an ordinary game called Pok Ane. Because the public has a high interest in the disisipilah with poems of praise to Allah SWT. So this dance is also a media propaganda at that time. Exercise is usually done under the under menasah. Meunasah mushalla the building is made of the stage. And they do not miss his prayers in congregation.) Readmore...
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Karo Dance

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Saman Dance