Dance Maena of Nias

Description: Maena a dance that is very simple and modest, but it implies togetherness, joy, excitement, which is not less interesting as the dances that exist in the archipelago. Compared with Moyo dance, dance baluse / dance war (still from Nias), maena does not require any special skills. Simple movements have made almost anyone can do it. Constraints or difficulties the only thing is situated on a series of rhyme-rhyme maena (fanutunõ maena), in order to correspond to events where maena it done. Pantun maena (fanutunõ maena) is usually performed by one person or two people and referred to as sanutunõ maena, while the poem maena (fanehe maena) voiced by the people who took part in a dance called the sanehe maena and maena / ono maena. Maena poems are fixed and kept participants diulang-ulang/disuarakan maena-rhyme after rhyme maena dilantunkannya, until the end of a dance maena. Maena rhyme sung by people who are fluent in the language bertuntun Nias (amaedola / Duma-Duma), but as the development of sophisticated and modern civilization, rhyme-rhyme maena typical li niha nono is much disappeared, and many mixed by the Indonesian language in penuturannya, can we listen if there are events maena big city. Maena arguably a ceremonial dance and colossal of Nias tribe, because there is no limit to the number who may participate in this dance. The more participants maena dance, the spirit of dance and shake well (fataelusa) maenanya. Maena usually done in a marriage ceremony (fangowalu), party (falõwa / owasa / folau ORI), even maena Golkar at elections in 1971 (, indicates how dance maena already entrenched and flexible, to be held in what events only. There was no mistaking the distinctive dance maena is easily recognized and carried by ono niha or by people outside Nias second to none with poco-poco dance (Sulawesi) or dance Sajojo (Irian), which has enriched the national cultural scene. In Nias and in big cities such as Jakarta, Medan, Batam, Surabaya, Bandung, Padang, Sibolga etc., we often find maena at weddings Nias people, and we also occasionally take part in it "but only" as sanehe maena . Maena, Moyo dance, dance baluse, Hombo stone, li niha, is a wealth of cultural amaedola niha ono which should continue to be preserved, so that our identity as ono niha not disappear and the Indonesiaan is maintained by cultural influences from outside of the stronger squeeze local cultures.
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