Interest Betawi From Indonesia

Betawi tribe came from the mating-mawin ethnic and nation in the past. Biologically, they are claiming to be the Betawi people are descendants of mixed blood of the various tribes and nations that were imported by the Dutch to Batavia. The so-called real people or ethnic Betawi in Jakarta as of new entrants. This ethnic group was born from a mix of other ethnic groups who had already been living in Jakarta, like Sundanese, Javanese, Balinese, Bugis, Makassar, Ambon, and Malay immigrants and ethnic groups, such as Arabic, Indian, Chinese, and Europeans.

The term Betawi
Betawi words used to express the native tribes who inhabit the Jakarta and Creole Malay language it uses, as well as Malay culture. Betawi word comes from the word "Batavia," the old name of Jakarta during the Dutch East Indies.

Tribal history Betawi
Preceded by the Sundanese (majority), prior to the 16th century and into the kingdom and then Pakuan Pajajaran Tarumanegara. In addition to the Sundanese, there are also foreign merchants and sailors of the north coast of Java, from different islands of Eastern Indonesia, from Malacca on the Malay Peninsula, China and even from Gujarat in India.

In addition, the agreement between Surawisesa (King of Sunda) by the Portuguese in 1512 which allow the Portuguese to build a community in the Sunda Kalapa result in mixing of the local population with a lower Portuguese Portuguese mixed blood. Of this community was born keroncong music.

After making Batavia as the VOC niaganya center, the Netherlands requires a lot of manpower to open farmland and build the economy of this city. When the VOC was a lot of buying slaves from Bali authorities, because it was in Bali is still ongoing practice of slavery. [1] That the cause is still tersisanya vocabulary and grammar in Betawi Bali now. Batavia trade advances attract various tribes of the archipelago to the Chinese, Arab and India to work in this city. Influence of ethnic foreigners is evident in the Betawi wedding dress is heavily influenced Arab and Chinese elements. Various place names in the history of Jakarta also left clues about the arrival of various tribes to Batavia; Kampung Melayu, Kampung Bali, Kampung Ambon, Java Village, Kampong Makassar and Bugis Village. Bugis houses in the northern part of Jl. Two mangoes in the Bugis village which began in 1690. In the early 20 th century there are still some home like this in the city.

University of Indonesia anthropologist, Dr. Yasmine Zaki Shahab, MA estimates, the newly formed ethnic Betawi about a century ago, between the years 1815-1893. This estimate is based on a study of the demographic history of Jakarta residents who pioneered Australian historian, Lance Castle. In the Dutch colonial era, the government is always a census, which is based on national or ethnic group. In Jakarta census data in 1615 and 1815, there were people from various ethnic groups, but there is no record of the Betawi ethnic group. The results of the census of 1893 showed a loss of some ethnic groups that previously existed. For example, Arabs and Moors, the Balinese, Javanese, Sundanese, the South Sulawesi, Sumbawa people, people of Ambon and Banda, and the Malays. The possibility of all these tribes and Arab Moors archipelago is categorized into the unity of the indigenous population (the Netherlands: inlander) in Batavia who then absorbed into the Betawi ethnic group.

Tribal Art and Culture Betawi 
Betawi culture is a mestizo culture, or a mixture of diverse ethnic cultures. Since the days of the Dutch East Indies, Batavia (now Jakarta) is the capital of the Dutch East Indies attract migrants from inside and outside the archipelago. The tribes that inhabit Jakarta, among others, Javanese, Sundanese, Minang, Batak, and Bugis. Apart from the population of the archipelago, the Betawi culture also absorb a lot of foreign cultures, such as Arab culture, Chinese, Indian, and Portuguese.

As a native tribe Betawi Jakarta somewhat sidelined by the new settlers. They come out of Jakarta and moved to areas in the province of West Java and Banten province. Betawi culture was excluded by other cultures both from Indonesia and Western culture. To preserve the Betawi culture, heritage founded in Situ Babakan.

Interest Betawi language used  
Mixed nature of the Betawi dialect is a reflection of Betawi culture in general, which is the result of mating a wide range of cultures, both originating from other areas in domestic and foreign cultures.

There is also the opinion that the tribes who inhabited the area around Batavia are also classified as an ethnic Betawi early (proto Betawi). Historically, the Kingdom Tarumanagara, based in Sundapura or Sunda Kalapa, had attacked and conquered by the Sumatran kingdom of Srivijaya. Therefore, do not be surprised if in the port of Sunda Sunda ethnic Kalapa, long before the Youth Pledge, already use the Malay language, which is commonly used in Sumatra, which then serve as the national language.

Because the difference is the language used at the beginning of the 20th century, the Dutch think of people who lived in Batavia as different ethnic and call it a Sundanese ethnic ethnic Betawi (a derivation of Batavia). However, there are many local names and the name of the river which is still maintained in Sundanese as said Ancol, Jewel, Cilandak, Ciliwung, Cideng (derived from Cihideung and then turned into Cideung and tearkhir be Cideng), and others are still accordance with the naming of which is described in ancient texts Bujangga Manik [2] which is currently stored in the Bodleian library, Oxford, England.

Although the formal language used in Jakarta is Indonesian, the language of informal or colloquial language is Indonesian Betawi dialect. Betawi dialect itself is divided into two types, namely the middle and Betawi dialect Betawi dialect edge. Betawi dialect was generally reads "é" Betawi dialect, while the edge is "a". Betawi dialect center or the center is often regarded as a true Betawi dialect, because it comes from the beginning of the city of Jakarta, the lush countryside around Jakarta City of Batavia, Big Rice, Monument, Cilincing, Kemayoran, Senen, Kramat, to the southernmost boundary Meester (Jatinegara ). Betawi dialect from the periphery to the South Jatinegara, Condet, Jagakarsa, Depok, Rawa Belong, Ciputat up to the edge of the south to West Java. Examples of middle Betawi dialect speakers are Benjamin S., Ida Royani and Aminah Cendrakasih, because they are derived from the Kemayoran and Kramat Sentiong. While the sample edges Betawi dialect speakers are Mandra and Mr. Tile. The most obvious example is when they say kenape / why'' (why). Betawi dialect was clearly stating the "é", while the edge Betawi pitched "a" die hard like "ain 'dead in the way of reading the Koran Quran.

Dance from Betawi Interest  
The art of dance in Jakarta is a blend of cultural elements in it. For example Betawi dance masks, dance-influenced Yapong Jaipong Sunda, Cokek and others. At first, the art of dance in Jakarta has influence Sunda and China, as a costume dance dancer Yapong typical Beijing Opera player. But Jakarta can be called the most dynamic regions. In addition to dance the old dances also come with a dynamic style and choreography.

Dramatic art of Interest Betawi 
Betawi traditional dramas such Lenong and Tonil. This traditional staging of the play usually depict everyday life Betawi people, interspersed with songs, rhymes, comedy, and witty jokes. Sometimes actors can interact directly with lenong audience. 
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